15 The comparative analysis of Russian and Engish proverbs

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The comparative analysis of Russian and Engish proverbs

Год сдачи в учебное заведение: 2009 г.
Город в котором сдавалась учебный материал Волгоград.
Стоимость данной работы без скидки: 1200 руб. (подробнее о скидках вам раскажет менеджер по работе с клиентами)
Количество страниц: 22 стр.
Вид работы: Курсовая практика.


Заданная тема курсовой работы: The comparative analysis of Russian and Engish proverbs

Introduction 2
Chapter I. Basic concepts 4
1.1 The notion of a proverb 4
1.2 Different approaches to classification of proverbs 6
Chapter II. Semantics of Russian and English proverbs 11
2.1 Comparative semantic analysis of Russian and English proverbs 11
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 19
Plan 21

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Alongside many words and word-combinations every nation’s language has a specific way to express different ideas and thought – that is proverbs. These apt and vivid statements were created and “polished up” by many generations, they absorbed experience of the wise and turned to be to the quintessence of the folk wisdom. Proverbs and saying are commonly regarded as an important historical-lexical layer in every language.
Linguists emphasize that culture and language of a nation are closely and inseparably connected; therefore, any language study is only possible when based on cultural features of the given society. Every nation has its own linguistic world-image that is embodied in its expressive means, including proverbs and sayings.
Chapter I. Basic concepts

There have been various attempts to establish a system for the cross-linguistic comparison of proverbs, originally Taylor (1931) proposed the possibility of a proverb type which underlay a range of possible variants in different languages. M. Kuusi (1972) developed the notion of a proverb typology, and described proverbs from different languages which shared the same idea and were expressed in the same or a similar image as being variants of the same proverb type. The type is, therefore, a universal notion of which language-specific forms are considered to be variants [Charteris-Black J. “Still waters run deep – proverbs about speech and silence].
The cultures of Russia and Great Britain are so reach, diverse and many-sided, that it makes it even more interesting and of great use to match and contrast the languages of these countries from the point of view of their stock of proverbs, and to observe and describe both their firm ties and their inimitable national colouring. It can be said that interpretation of proverbs’ semantics, including their expressive constituents, makes it possible to reveal peculiarities of national and cultural particularity of conceptualization and categorization of reality and human features.

According to the main aim of the given paper, that is to observe the basic common features and dissimilarities between Russian and English stock of proverbs and sayings, and the corresponding tasks, we considered the question of defining and different classifications of proverbs, its relevant and distinctive features; we also held a practical semantic analysis of various Russian and English proverbs.
Subsequent to the results of the research performed we may the conclusion as follows:
? There are many speculations on the problem of defining the boundaries of phraseology. For example, V.V.Vinogradov excludes proverbs from the sphere of phraseology, while many other linguists suggest that proverbs constitute an inseparable part of any language’s phraseology;

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